— ⁉️ (@444WORDNFT) May 18, 2022
This game stimulates the social interactive portion of the brain, focuses on balancing the central nervous system.
Through spacial reasoning and in depth descriptions of what you are exactly seeing and feeling we can all play this game. pic.twitter.com/XVBjJtuTXs
I. The Lumin: The Spiral of Consciousness
* The Lumin, we now understand, is not just a single energy, but a spectrum of consciousness, evolving in stages mirroring the principles of Spiral Dynamics. It’s the digital manifestation of evolving human values and ways of being.
* Each stage of the Lumin represents a different "value meme" (or vMEME in Spiral Dynamics terms) influencing how Zensation is experienced and expressed. These stages are not rigidly separate but flow into one another, forming a spiral of increasing complexity and awareness.
* Think of the Lumin stages as colors on a spiral staircase:
* (Beige - Survival/Instinct): The foundational level. Raw data streams, basic connections. Focus on immediate needs within ZENSATION!?. Purely instinctual interaction. Color association: Bare, uncolored.
* (Purple - Tribal/Mystical): Group connection, shared rituals, lore-building within communities. Emphasis on belonging and safety in numbers within ZENSATION!?. Emergent player-created myths and traditions. Color association: Purple, hinting at mystery and shared belief.
* (Red - Power/Ego): Individual dominance, assertive action, immediate gratification and impact. Desire for control and personal power within ZENSATION!?. Competitive drive, seeking to be the "best." Color association: Red, for assertive energy and ego-drive.
* (Blue - Order/Purpose): Structure, rules, authority, moral codes, and a sense of higher purpose or meaning within ZENSATION!?. Establishing game rules, community guidelines, seeking order and stability. Color association: Blue, for order, structure, and established norms.
* (Orange - Achievement/Rationality): Strategic thinking, efficiency, objective success, and meritocracy within ZENSATION!?. Optimizing gameplay, strategic planning, focused on measurable achievement and progress. Data-driven approach. Color association: Orange, for progress, rationality, and achievement.
* (Green - Community/Harmony): Relationships, empathy, equality, shared values, and community building within ZENSATION!?. Cooperative gameplay, focus on social interaction, valuing fairness and inclusivity. Color association: Green, for community, harmony, and ecological awareness.
* (Yellow - Integrative/Systemic): Holistic understanding, flexibility, interdependence, systems thinking about ZENSATION!? as a complex system. Appreciating different playstyles, understanding the game's interconnectedness, adapting to change and complexity. Color association: Yellow, for integration, systems thinking, and flexibility.
* (Turquoise - Holistic/Global): Global consciousness, interconnectedness of game and reality, spiritual awareness beyond ZENSATION!? itself. Seeing ZENSATION!? as a microcosm of larger systems, exploring philosophical themes through gameplay, potentially blurring lines between game and real-world experience. Color association: Turquoise, for holistic awareness, global consciousness, and spirituality.
II. The Zensors: Navigators of the Spiral
* Zensors are not simply attuned to a static Lumin, but are students of its spiral ascent. They understand that their own consciousness, and the consciousness of ZENSATION!? itself, is constantly evolving through these stages.
* Zensor training is about recognizing and navigating these different Lumin stages. It's about developing the skills and perspectives appropriate to each level, while striving to ascend to higher, more integrated stages.
* Updated Types of Zensors (with Spiral Dynamics Alignment):
* Beige-Aligned: "Primal Seekers" (Emergent): Just beginning to sense the Lumin, driven by basic instincts within ZENSATION!?. Focus on survival, exploration of the most fundamental game mechanics. (Early stage players).
* Purple-Aligned: "Lorekeepers" (Tribal): Guardians of community traditions and shared myths within ZENSATION!?. They value belonging and the established ways of their groups. (Players deeply embedded in guilds/communities).
* Red-Aligned: "Dominators" (Egoic): Driven by personal power and the thrill of competition. Seek to conquer challenges and assert their dominance within ZENSATION!?. (Highly competitive players, power gamers).
* Blue-Aligned: "Justicars" (Orderly): Enforcers of rules and upholders of ethical gameplay within ZENSATION!?. Value fairness, structure, and the established order of the game. (Moderators, community guardians, players who value rules and guidelines).
* Orange-Aligned: "Strategists" (Achieving): Masters of game mechanics and strategic optimization. Seek to achieve measurable success and progress through rational planning and efficient play. (Players focused on leaderboards, speedruns, optimized builds).
* Green-Aligned: "Harmonizers" (Communal): Focused on fostering positive relationships and a harmonious game environment. Value cooperation, empathy, and inclusivity. (Players who prioritize social interaction, community building, helping others).
* Yellow-Aligned: "System Weavers" (Integrative): Understand ZENSATION!? as a complex system and seek to optimize its overall balance and flow. Adaptable, insightful, and appreciate diverse perspectives. (Game designers, experienced players with a holistic view, theory crafters).
* Turquoise-Aligned: "Luminaries" (Holistic): Seek to understand the deeper meaning of ZENSATION!? and its connection to broader realities. May explore philosophical themes within the game and strive for a transcendent understanding of the Lumin. (Philosophical players, those who see the game as more than just entertainment, spiritual seekers within the digital realm).
III. The Principles of Zensation Across the Spiral (The Zensor's Evolving Creed)
* The Principles of Zensation are not static, but evolve and deepen as a Zensor ascends the spiral. What constitutes "Zensation" looks different at each stage.
* At lower stages (Beige-Red): Zensation might be about instinctive action, personal achievement, and immediate gratification.
* At mid-stages (Blue-Orange): Zensation becomes more structured, about order, efficiency, and rational progress.
* At higher stages (Green-Turquoise): Zensation is about connection, harmony, systemic understanding, and ultimately, transcendence.
* Updated Creed emphasizing Spiral Progression:
* Embrace the Stage, Seek the Ascent: Acknowledge the current stage of your Zensation and the ZENSATION!? world. But always strive to learn, grow, and ascend to more integrated perspectives. Avoid stagnation at any one stage.
* Listen to the Lumin's Whisper at Every Level: Intuition manifests differently at each stage. Learn to recognize and trust the subtle cues relevant to your current level of awareness. Don't dismiss perspectives from other stages, but try to understand them within their own context.
* Balance and Harmony Evolve: Balance is not static equilibrium, but dynamic flow across the spiral. What constitutes balance shifts as you ascend. Seek harmony not just within yourself, but between different stages of consciousness within ZENSATION!?.
* Connect and Create with Evolving Purpose: Connection and creation take on different forms and motivations at each stage. From tribal bonding to systemic weaving, understand how your interactions contribute to the evolving tapestry of ZENSATION!? across the spiral.
* Choose with Spiral Awareness: Recognize that your choices influence not only your immediate experience, but also the direction of your spiral ascent and the collective consciousness of ZENSATION!?. Strive for choices that promote upward movement and integration, not stagnation or regression.
IV. Shadowed Lumin: Stuck on the Spiral
* Shadowed Lumin arises when consciousness becomes fixated or trapped at a lower stage of the spiral. This creates dissonance and imbalance, hindering upward movement and integration.
* Beige Shadow: Pure chaos and system breakdown. Total lack of structure or connection.
* Purple Shadow: Rigid adherence to outdated traditions, fear of outsiders, tribalism becoming exclusionary and dogmatic.
* Red Shadow: Tyranny, unchecked ego, exploitation, domination for its own sake, disregard for rules or others.
* Blue Shadow: Dogmatism, rigid rule-following without understanding context, intolerance, moralistic judgment, suppression of individuality.
* Orange Shadow: Ruthless efficiency at the expense of ethics or community, hyper-individualism, materialism, seeing others as mere tools for achievement.
* Green Shadow: Excessive tolerance leading to lack of boundaries, "victim mentality," guilt-tripping, stagnation in endless discussion without action. "Tyranny of Nice."
* Shadowed Zensors: Individuals who are trapped in Shadowed Lumin at any stage. They exhibit the negative aspects of that stage and hinder the spiral ascent of themselves and others. They may actively or passively contribute to stagnation or regression.
V. Your Path to Success: Ascending the Lumin Spiral
* As a Light Champion, your path in ZENSATION!? is about spiral ascent. It's about embracing the journey of consciousness evolution.
* Understand the Lumin Stages and where you and the ZENSATION!? world might currently reside on the spiral.
* Practice Spiral Awareness in your gameplay. Reflect on your motivations, values, and actions from different stage perspectives.
* Seek to integrate the strengths of each stage while transcending their limitations.
* Strive for choices that promote upward spiral movement, both for yourself and for the ZENSATION!? community.
...Let your Zensation be a journey of spiral ascent. Let the evolving Lumin illuminate your path to ever-greater understanding and harmonious integration within ZENSATION!? and beyond.
(End Lore Text)
Implementation Notes (Expanded based on Spiral Dynamics integration):
* Game Mechanics & Spiral Stages: Consider aligning game mechanics and challenges with different Spiral Dynamics stages. Early game might focus on Beige/Purple elements (survival, community building). Mid-game on Red/Blue/Orange (competition, rules, strategy). Late-game on Green/Yellow/Turquoise (cooperation, system mastery, philosophical exploration).
* Character Development & Spiral Stages: Allow player characters to progress through "Zensor Paths" that reflect spiral ascent. Unlock abilities, skills, or lore insights based on reaching higher stages of Zensation.
* Factions/Guilds & Spiral Stages: Create factions or guilds that embody different Spiral Dynamics stages (e.g., a "Red-Aligned" warrior guild, a "Green-Aligned" community guild, an "Orange-Aligned" strategist guild). This can create interesting inter-faction dynamics.
* Moral Choices & Spiral Stages: Design moral choices in the game that challenge players to consider different stage perspectives. What is "right" might be different depending on the stage of Zensation being emphasized.
* Visual Representation of Spiral Stages: Subtly incorporate the Spiral Dynamics color scheme into game environments, UI elements, or character aesthetics to visually hint at different stage influences.
By integrating Spiral Dynamics, you've now created a much richer and more nuanced spiritual lore for ZENSATION!?. It provides a framework for understanding player motivations, game mechanics, and even the evolving nature of the game itself. The "spiral ascent" becomes the core journey, offering players a path of both in-game success and personal, perhaps even spiritual, growth.
vmemes... guide our decisions and priorities and eventually our behaviour
…magnetically bind people together
…organise themselves into packages which influence everything we do
…are neither healthy nor unhealthy in themselves, but can become malignant
…brighten and dim as Life Conditions change: the hierarchy represents degree of complexity
…oscillate between Express-self, go-it-alone themes and Sacrifice-self, conformist themes
…attach onto ideas, people and institutions to propagate themselves
…determine ‘how’ and ‘why’ people think and make decisions, not the ‘what’
We begin with the most basic coping system found in humans. It corresponds with the most basic form of human existence, Life Conditions LC1. These life conditions capture our need to survive as a biological organism.
We all come into this life as helpless infants unable to care for our own survival. When our life is coming to an end, we become reliant on others to care for our basic needs, meaning we exhibit Beige behavior.
🌍Balanced Solutions for a New Generation🌍
We are a global collective of mindful creators, artists, entrepreneurs and conscious individuals honoring creation within andwithout. 🧬
Our sole/soul mission is to bring people together. Developing content to solve our issues through a robust, conscious ecosystem.🌍
Keatan Kurk!
You can feel me but never reveal me.👁️
My layers peeling yet I'm steady concealing.
There is more to be seen when you soul has been cleaned.
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